China International Supply Chain Expo

2024.11.26-30 China International Exhibition Center(Shunyi Venue)

Promotion and Signing Ceremony for the First CISCE Held in Dalian

Source: Release time:2023/10/16

On the morning of September 24, the promotion and signing ceremony for the first China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) was held in Dalian. Ren Hongbin, Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), and Chen Shaowang, Mayor of Dalian, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Leng Xuefeng, Vice Mayor of Dalian, presided over the event.

Ren Hongbin stated that hosting the CISCE is a concrete action to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important initiative to keep the global industrial and supply chains stable and smooth. As the world’s first national-level exhibition with a focus on supply chains, the CISCE has distinct characteristics, including linking upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors, facilitating communication between large, medium, and small enterprises, promoting cooperation between academia and industry, and fostering interactions between Chinese and foreign enterprises. It serves as an international platform for trade promotion, investment cooperation, innovation aggregation, and mutual learning. CCPIT will spare no effort to make the CISCE a fruitful and world-class event. Dalian is encouraged to leverage the platform of the CISCE to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system and achieve greater success in the revitalization and development of Northeast China in the new era.

Chen Shaowang pointed out that Dalian hopes to leverage the high-end platform of the CISCE to contribute to the construction of a comprehensive, advanced, and secure modern industrial system. Dalian is committed to taking on the responsibility and mission of being a “high-jump team” in the revitalization and development of Northeast China in the new era. Dalian encourages participating companies to actively engage in various activities of the CISCE, to fully showcase the charm of Dalian’s enterprises, to reach broad cooperation intentions, and to facilitate the realization of more projects.

Five Dalian business representatives signed exhibition agreements with China International Exhibition Center Group (CIEC). More than 150 participants, including officials from relevant departments of CCPIT, CCPIT Dalian Sub-Council, and representatives of related enterprises, attended this event.