China International Supply Chain Expo

2024.11.26-30 China International Exhibition Center(Shunyi Venue)

Jiangsu Exhibitor Attraction and Investment Promotion Conference and Signing Ceremony for the First CISCE Held in Suzhou

Source: Release time:2023/08/01

On July 18, the Jiangsu Exhibitor Attraction and Investment Promotion Conference and Signing Ceremony for the First China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) was held in Suzhou. Ren Hongbin, Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), and Tang Xiaodong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Suzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Vice Mayor of Suzhou Municipality, attended the conference and delivered speeches. Chairman Yin Jianqing of the CCPIT Jiangsu Sub-council presided over the meeting.

Ren Hongbin stated that holding the first CISCE would mark an important move to implement the instructions from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important video speech at the conference of the 70th anniversary of the CCPIT and the Global Trade and Investment Promotion Summit. With unique advantages and professional characteristics, the CISCE is the world’s first national exhibition themed on the supply chain. It aims to optimize the layout and deliver outcomes to better serve customers. The CCPIT will put forth the effort to hold the CISCE, give play to the roles of the CISCE in four aspects, namely, trade promotion, investment cooperation, innovation agglomeration, and mutual learning, and actively promote the building of stable and resilient global industrial and supply chains.

Yin Jianqing put forward that the positive participation of Jiangsu in the CISCE will bring the province a vital opportunity to display its positioning as an economically developed province and export-oriented economic powerhouse, which will effectively accelerate the building of a modern industrial system in Jiangsu. The trade promotion system of the province will do its utmost to complete the work related to participation in the CISCE.

Tang Xiaodong pointed out that, as an open city with a developed economy and advanced industries, Suzhou will further make full use of its industrial advantages, extensively mobilize leading enterprises to actively participate in the CISCE, and spare no effort to provide follow-up services.

A total of 28 representative enterprises signed contracts with the China International Exhibition Center Group Corporation (CIEC Group) on site. Attendees also include persons in charge of related departments of the CCPIT, the CCPIT Jiangsu Sub-Council and other CCPIT sub-councils at the municipal level, as well as representatives from relevant departments and enterprises of Suzhou.