China International Supply Chain Expo

2024.11.26-30 China International Exhibition Center(Shunyi Venue)

Supply Chain Service

The purpose of setting up the Supply Chain Service Exhibition Area is to provide digital, integrated, and low-carbon management and solutions for global supply chains, as well as comprehensive services such as finance, insurance, commercial law, trade consulting, cross-border tourism, cultural education, and innovative design, to promote the coordinated and green transformation of the industrial chain and to promote cost reduction and efficiency improvement in various industries.


Layout and Exhibitors





Authorities and industrial associations.


Research institutes and universities.


International institutions, chambers of commerce and associations.


Transport capacity and procurement departments in the logistics industry.


Transport capacity and procurement departments in e-commerce platforms, supermarkets, and large retail stores.


Transport capacity and procurement departments in industries such as automotive, food, energy, biopharmaceuticals,


3C, fast-moving consumer goods, and textiles and clothing.


Exhibitors in the five major chains, including the intelligent automotive chain, green agriculture chain, clean energy

chain, healthy life chain, and digital technology chain.


Related media and financial institutions.


Contact us


Ms. ZHANG Jiqiu Tel: +86 10 84600169; +86 13552279962 E-mail:

Ms. XU Xiaolu Tel: +86 10 84600709; +86 18801023558 E-mail: