China International Supply Chain Expo

2024.11.26-30 China International Exhibition Center(Shunyi Venue)

Industrial Metaverse Strategy Conference

Source: Release time:2023/11/06

Industrial Metaverse Strategy Conference

  To implement the plans and initiatives of “Digital China” and “Made in China 2025”, and to further advance the application of metaverse technology across industries such as manufacturing, education, agriculture, energy, transportation, healthcare, tourism, and national defense, the Industrial Metaverse Strategy Conference is scheduled to take place on November 29th-30th at the China International Exhibition Center (Chaoyang Hall) in Beijing. The conference is planned to be guided by the China Industrial Cooperation Association and China International Exhibition Center Group Co., Ltd. (CIEC), hosted by the Education Branch of the China Industrial Cooperation Association, and supported by various industry associations and societies. With an aim to promote the healthy and orderly growth of the metaverse industry, the conference will focus on the development of key technologies related to metaverse industry, and explore the trends in metaverse industry development. Through thematic forums, high-level dialogues, data releases, park connections, investment and financing activities, and more, the conference aims to create a high-quality cooperative platform for policy interpretation, academic exchanges, technological advancements, industrial development, scenario applications, and achievement showcases. It is expected to promote the transformation and upgrading of industries, parks and cities and towns in terms of digitization, networking and intelligence, promoting the upgrading and development of modernized industrial system.