China International Supply Chain Expo

2024.11.26-30 China International Exhibition Center(Shunyi Venue)

Digital Technology

Source: Release time:2023/05/24


Digital Technology: Showcase cutting-edge digital technologies, emerging industries, and technological solutions and applications that empower various sectors, comprehensively presenting key aspects of the digital economy by connecting innovation, industry and application with underlying technological transformation, mid-level industrial incubation and upper-level application scenarios.


Layout and Exhibitors



Industrial internet and intelligent technology application enterprises.

Cross-border e-commerce comprehensive experimental zones, cross-border e-commerce industrial park,cross-border product suppliers/traders, operation service providers.

Domestic and foreign investment and financing institutions.

Creators, industrial practitioners, buyers and consumers, collectors of digital cultural products.

Enterprises using application scenarios such as smart cities, smart homes, and financial technology.

Authorities, industrial associations, and research institutes.


Contact us

Ms. SONG Jiahui

Tel: 010-84600389 18310830889


Smart Vehicle

Healthy Life
