China International Supply Chain Expo

2024.11.26-30 China International Exhibition Center(Shunyi Venue)

Intl supply chain expo photography and short video contest opens

Source: Release time:2023/11/22

A photography and short video contest of the first China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) started at the 500px Photography Community in Beijing on Nov. 12.

The contest is one of the serial publicity activities being organized for the CISCE, which will be held at China International Exhibition Center in Shunyi, Beijing, from Nov. 28 to Dec. 2. The purpose of the contest is to promote more people to know about the CISCE as well as supply chain-related knowledge and information.

Photographers and short video makers can register for the contest and submit their works via or 500px (Chinese version) APP on smartphone from Nov. 12 to Dec. 31.

The contest also includes a competition for expo visitors who can submit photos and short videos they shoot while paying a visit to the expo via the 500px APP on the spot. The photos and short videos they upload via the app are expected to cover the following six subjects that are also included in the expo: smart car chain, green agriculture chain, clean energy chain, digital technology chain, healthy life chain and supply chain services.

The top winner of the contest can get a 15,000 yuan ($2,071) award. The prize-winning works will be publicized to raise the public's awareness on the CISCE and supply chain.

Themed "Connecting the World for Shared Future", CISCE is the first international supply chain exhibition China holds. More than 400 Chinese and foreign enterprises, including some of the world's top 500 companies, will display advanced technologies, products and services at the expo.

The expo is an open international platform which integrates the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors, connects small, medium, and large enterprises and promotes collaboration between industry, academia, research, and facilitates interactions between Chinese and foreign enterprises. It is also an international public good China offers to the world.

In the spirit of Joint Contribution, Extensive Promotion, and Shared Benefits, the first CISCE aims to provide a new, high-end platform for enterprises to expand trade and investment cooperation, pool together innovation, and learn from each other. At the expo, the enterprises can better tap into the potentials of their complementarity, and jointly maintain the stability and smooth flow of the global industry and supply chains.

The host of the expo is China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and its organizer is China International Exhibition Center Group Limited.